

Female journalists services

DHMAN platform provides advice and legal assistance services to female journalists: It includes all services directed to journalists in addition to the legal representation service in the courts in cases, through women lawyers specialized in support in cases specific to female journalists. The platform also allows female journalists to subscribe and access the Female Journalists’ Forum, which is a special forum for female journalists registered through the platform, in addition to providing access to the Journalists’ Forum, which is the general digital forum. It allows journalists and media professionals registered in the platform’s membership the ability to join and obtain the advantage of exchanging experiences and expertise, internal legal assistance and benefiting from Among the various activities of the forum. The digital assistance platform provides special features for female journalists. The most prominent of these features are: Providing a lawyer specialized in issues specific to female journalists, which allows female journalists a lot of privacy and security when there is an urgent need for the lawyer to know the name of the journalist. Reporting on incidents and cases of blackmail, harassment, assault, and other similar cases. Providing Legal representation service before the courts in cases of female journalists, providing special windows for female journalists to obtain advice and assistance services, allocating a free space for female journalists within the Journalists’ Forum with the possibility of them joining the public spaces of the forum. Therefore, female journalists can benefit from all the full services provided in addition to the services specified for them, as well as They can report these incidents: - Job discrimination based on gender, whether in job positions, employment, or low wages compared to high wages for males in the same tasks. - Facing additional restrictions when practicing the profession, such as related to permits, travel bans, obtaining a place of residence, and so on. - Bullying and harassment against the background of practicing the journalistic profession and carrying out field tasks. - Blackmail, threats, sexual harassment, physical and verbal assault, and stigma, whether at the workplace or when carrying out field tasks, in the public environment, and across the digital space.

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